Imran Khan cancels Intra-party elections to focus on Raiwind march 9:40PM PST

Monday 29 February 2016

Trumps Agenda In U.S election

I personally think that U.S election is considered to be the most important for the international politics. As we do know that U.S is the only super power who is still existing and maintaining their power level after WWII. U.S portray effective impact on almost every country. According to me, candidate in U.S election are more important then the election because president would be choose among them. So it is very necessary that every candidate policy regards Foreign state must be neutral. They must earn vote on the basis of personal qualities and commitments regards national interest rather then a cheap scenario. I would have never used the word cheap scenario but unfortunately I have to. Name of Mr.Donald Trump is the most highlighted name among the all candidates, he belongs to Republican party.

Although the name of Hillary Clinton who belongs to the Democratic party has the most prominent personality due to her strong political background, so there is not even a 0% chance for Mr Trump, who we don't even know before become that much popular. Like I said cheap scenario he uses the agenda of anti Muslim thing to gain a sympathy among the people of U.S. As there is nothing to tell you about that how much people of U.S hate Muslims after 9/11. They think Muslims are just here in this world to harm them or to kill them, there purpose of living is nothing they just want to showcase there religion and wants the enforcement of their custom around the world. I don't deny the fact that there are some couple of groups who call them Muslim and causes those harm but in actual terms they are not Muslims not even human. People around the world needs to understand that not all the Muslims are like other but i guess it's too late for them to understand because people like Donald trump are using that gap for their own personal interest.

From the beginning of his election campaign he assures the citizen of U.S that he will ban the entering of Muslims in USA.According to him all Muslims are terrorist they need to be serve with great punishment. In his all speeches he point out Muslims as a villain of the story, I really think he not even consider Muslim as a citizen of U.S. If a person like him becomes a president of  U.S then you can imagine his policies regard Muslim world would be not more then a set of cruelness and brutality. Besides being Anti Muslim, he is also anti Mexican he didn't say it straight but by twisting his words he explains his opinion by calling them criminal and rapist. Although he has a highest polling rank in Republican party and his obvious expected competitor is Hillary Clinton who have a highest polling rank in Democratic party but still the chances of winning is towards Trump. I really don't think so a person like trump could bring any good for anyone. 

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