Imran Khan cancels Intra-party elections to focus on Raiwind march 9:40PM PST

Tuesday 25 July 2017

رمضان کے مہینے میں ساحر لودھی کے شو :استقبال رمضان میں ایک تقریر کے مقابلے کا انعقاد کیا گیا تھا جسمیں ساحر لودھی نے ایک لڑکی کو تقریر کرنے کے لیے مدعو کیا تھا۔ اس تقریر میں طالبہ نے اپنے موضوع : قائد اعظم سے خطاب میں خواتین پر ہونے والے مظالم، گھریلو نا انصافی ، چہرے پر تیزاب پھیکنے اور آج کل جو پاکستان کے موجودہ حالات ہیں ان سب چیزوں پر مبنی یہ تقریر تھی لیکن چونکہ غلط فہمی کی وجہ سے ساحر لودھی نے تقریب کے دوران ہی اس طالبہ کو بولنا شروع کردیا تھا جو کہ ایک غلط طریقہ کار تھا۔
یہاں پر میری رائے یہ ہے کہ ریٹنگ بڑھانے کے لیے ضروری نہیں کہ کسی کی بے عزتی کی جائے انسان کو اگر اپنے چینل کی ریٹنگ بڑھانی ہو یا عوام میں مشہور ہونا ہو تو ضروری نہیں کہ کسی غلط طریوہ کار کو استعمال کر کے کیا جائے۔ ایسا بھی ہوسکتا تھا کہ وہ تقریر انکو بری لگی تھی تو وہ اس تقریر کو سمجھانے کی کوشش کرتے اور وہاں بیٹھے ہر شخص کی رائے لیتے لیکن انھوں نے پورا ہی اسکو اپنے ہاتھ میں لے لیا تھا نہ انھوں نے مقررہ سے بات چیت کرنا پسند کی بلکہ بھری عوام کے سامنے خود کا ایک غلط تصور سامنے لے کر آئے جبکہ یہ شو نہ صرف پاکستان میں بلکہ پاکستان سے باہر بھی دیکھا جارہا تھا یہ سب کر کے انھوں نے اس چیز کا مظاہرہ کیا کہ ہم لوگ کوئے چیز صحیح سے نہ سنتے ہیں اور نہ دیکھتے ہیں بلکہ اسکو ایک بے لگام گھوڑے کی طرح چھوڑ دیتے ہیں۔ اور اپنے چینل کا بھی دھیان نہیں دیتے بلکہ اسوقت جو لگتا ہے اسکو نظرثانی کرنے لگتے ہیں جو کہ صراصر غلط تھا
اور جب یہ مسئلہ ختم ہوگیا اور ساحر لودھی نے سب سے معافی بھی مانگ لی تو سوشل میڈیا ، دوسرے ٹی وی چینلز وغیرہ پر اسکا اتنا مزاق بنایا گیا  اور کافی تنقیدیں بھی کی گئیں جو غلط تھیں ہمیں کسی کی عزت نفس کو اتنا مجروح نہیں کرنا چاہیے۔وہ بھی ایک انسان ہے اور ہر انسان سے غلطی ہوتی ہے۔  



May be it is the word TREND that has made every unethical act much ethical to achieve some certain fame or popularity. If we move our eyes over current journalism then only few are there who actually conducting this work in an appropriate directions. The concept of journalism now a days is to add all non-factual elements and glamour to gain maximum viewer ship. They don’t even care that the person who is hosting the program his/her educational background is eligible enough to let them host a program, where as such political program or shows are the basic source to people to set their view and opinion over the latest happenings. If so called actors and models would decide and starts giving advises and opinion over national and international affairs and media houses are hiring them for the sake of fame and money then this is a clear disrespect to journalism.

Friday 15 April 2016

Free Writing

Yesterday I was  celebrated one of my friend’s birthday. Which was going awesome, she cuts the cake, then we had a lunch. During celebrations we taken so may pictures (selfies), while taking snaps my mind goes into past days, when we hire a professional photographer for taken snaps, we pay them and fullfil their demands as, there is only one guy in the world who will able to capture snaps, sometimes this situation makes me laugh. Speaking of laugh, sometime laughter is better for health, if a person always remain sad it is a thousand chances that one day he/she will commit a suicide or they  will die before their age. Ohh! Speaking of suicide I remember that one suicide which was attempt by school going students during their assembly and now today I remind when I saw the news of a suicide of a student of medical collage because he was not allow to sit in exam, I think commit a suicide is such a useless attempt, they people surrender their lives to death instead of facing challenges. I think they people did not understand the meaning of life because life is such a wonderful adventure where we find many treasure, love, success and many more…  

Thursday 14 April 2016


Many of us find Maths to be a little difficult subject,which is why most children do not like this subject.But there is a website Math is Fun that makes it seem very interesting and easy to learn and teach.It contains lots of information related to mathematics presented in a fun and attractive way.It has many sections like  puzzles, quizzes, algebra, money, worksheet, geometry, numbers, measurement, games etc.and the left hand pane carriers the link to the different sections of the site in a plain manner while in the center of the page are the options again in a creatively presented format.

One of the most interesting features of this website is the Illustrated Math Dictionary that contains definitions of lots of mathematical words and terms so that people can understand it easily.By the help of this website,you can explore many things related to mathematics.
The site can also prove to be a great help in teaching maths as Teachers Page offer loads of ideas that can make teaching maths a piece of cake and the activities suggested will help keep student entertained as they learn.
A visit to this website is sure to get you interested in maths and you will realize that this subject is not a very dull one and and very easy to understand only if the right method is used.So visit this website, polish your skin and get good marks in maths.


Wednesday 13 April 2016

Free Writing

I was just scrolling my fb page and I saw our picture It was like 4 years old picture buh than I realized that there are Just 2 days left for your wedding yar, i couldn't be happier for you as you embark on the next stage of your life with the man you love. Right now i am doing my assignment plus thinking about our journey of friendship and we have been through together, I am reminded of just how important you are to me, how much I love, respect and admire you you're my friend cum sister . However, this friendship we share will change after this weekend, how could it not? But this does not sadden me. And I am so so excited for the day to come and from the moment your future begins. Saturday the day of your wedding it is going to be a wonderful session of picture, flowers, dresses, emotions and importantly joy  'and I know you you are more excited for this photography session not for your wedding' lol kidding. 
Remember to take in it all in slowly , and breathe. Don't get lost in the craziness of the day remember to enjoy and appreciate these moments that you'll remember for the rest of your life. I know it will be your happiest day  but it's ok to feel a little sad as well. 
As you remember your nearest and dearest who unfortunately can't share the celebrations with you and that's the saddest part :( I am dying to come but you know I can't and my reasons are geniune. But my prayers are with you and always will be. and please try to get some sleep, Saturday is a big big day. It is going to be beautiful all of the hard work you have done will certainly payoff and I think I should also sleep now otherwise mamma is going to kill me because it's too late now.. tataa!!

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Free Writing

My eyes are wanting to close for a long time but I am giving them torture by writing this last blog then I'll be free for atleast one assignment and hopefully concentrate on other assignments too. I am very sleepy right now not because I am tired but because I will sleep for more hours if I could sleep earlier. Sleeping is my biggest weakness. I can sleep more than 20 hours in a day or most probably a week, aahhh I wish I can sleep for a week lol! This is may be funny or silly to hear you all that I just want to sleep for much time so I will see much DREAMS. Yes I want to see more and more dreams even I will make it true or not but I want to see them daily and more than one or two. I personally think that Dreams makes your mind to think about the facts and faults happening in your Life and whatever happens in your life, they just gives you the reason to think even it may be positive or negative. My Dreams always showed me the results of what I will be faced if I make that decision and luckily its always true. I never share my dreams with anyone because my dreams are too confusing to understand if i may share with someone, only I can handle my silly dreams. I have a nick name too 'Sleeping Beauty' or 'Neesti'. Well, I think its enough for that person who will read my silly thinking otherwise He/She will also sleep and I don't want to get bore someone andddd Ok Ok I am sleeping..........

Monday 11 April 2016

Free Writing

I am really not in the mood to write now just because my sister wants the laptop for her work.. so here I am writing this blog by skipping my favorite movie which is home alone sometimes I wonder if I had a chance like that boy. I usually don’t watch movies but there are couples of movies that I do watch over and over.... by movies I remember the time when I was crazy about movies, and every latest release was a must watch for me. I am talking about the time when I was a kid of 10 or 12 years old and movies were still watchable with family. Movies stuff, it was such a joy to behold for us. But since, entertainment side started making crap movies I had stopped watching them ages ago. What sparked me to write this blog was my random scrolling of channels on the TV the other day. One fine Sunday evening as I was trying to kill my boredom by finding something watchable on the TV and my scrolling stopped at one channel. The channel was showing a Bollywood movie 'DHOOM 3' and by Dhoom and bollywood it doesn’t mean that I like bollywood movies well come to the point I was taken in awe by the super cool bike that AMIR KHAN had in the movie, I never knew it could be this super cool that he can ride it over a thin rope, isn’t that wow, and when I thought the stupidity can't go beyond it....The bike turned into a submarine!!!! Yes you heard me right a freaking SUBMARINE! and please try to hold your laugh because I really don’t know why I am laughing so badly even my mom is looking at me might be thinking that her daughter is completely turn mad now... well come to the point submarine should be dead by now and that was the time when I just couldn't watch anymore and I was glad I made the decision of not watching bollywood movies in my spare time because you are going to need a pack of DISPRIN...I don't hate bollywood, they have some pretty amazing movies too like TARRE ZAMEEN PAR and..uhhmm..well you got the point..And as you got my point I have no other point to tell you. So I guess it’s the time to just click the option publish and end my free writing blog.